XML Requester

XML Docs
PDF - DownLoad - Last Update September 28th, 2012

What can we do with this integration?
* See if a customerID is in the Vault (SearchVault)
* Verify information of a customer in the vault (ShowVaultDetails)
* Add customer to Vault (CustomerAdd)
* Update customer's information in Vault (CustomerUpdate)
* Submit Vault Payment Request (CreateTransaction)
* Submit a Single Transaction to process- Live response of Transaction Response (ProcessSingleTransaction)
              - Recurring Transactions (Added on May 7th, 2009)
* Search Transaction (SearchTransactions)
* Show Transaction Details (ShowTransactionDetails)
* Search Recurring Customers (Added on May 7th, 2009)
* View Recurring Customer's History (Added on May 7th, 2009)
* View Recurring Customer Information (Added on May 7th, 2009)
* Update Recurring Customer Information (Added on May 7th, 2009)
* Added MaxMind Fraud scrubbing to the ProcessingSingleTransaction - Requres customer's IP to be submitted. (Added on October 3rd, 2009)
* Added ProcessType -RETURN, AUTH_CAPTURE, AUTH_ONLY and SALES (Added on October 3rd, 2009)
* Included Recurring Customer ID in response if new entry is made with ProcessSingleTransaction. (Added on October 3rd, 2009)
* Added AVS checking for AUTH_ONLY (Added on October 3rd, 2009)
* Added the ability to Void unsettled transactions. (Added on January 31st, 2008)
* Added the ability to Force a previous AUTH_ONLY (Added on January 31st, 2008)
Updated the POST URL to reflect Quantum Gateway Version 2.3.0
* Added IsAlive functionality (Added on April 15th, 2008)
* Added RETURN using CreateTransaction (Added on April 15th, 2008)
* Added RecurDay and RecipeType to ShowRecurringCustomer (Added on June 10th, 2008)
* Added RecurDay to UpdateRecurringCustomer (Added on June 10th, 2008)
* Added CustomerRemove - Remove a customer from the Vault (Added October 21st, 2008)
* Added AddUpdateCustomer – If the customer is in the vault all the data will be updated to what was submitted.  This feature can  also do an auth only to verify if the credit card is good. (Added October 21st, 2008)
* Added VaultCreateRecurring – Take a Vault customer and add them to recurring billing. (Added October 21st, 2008)
* Added the ability to do a RETURN on a previously settled transaction. (Added May 1st, 2009)
* Added explanation of which RequestType uses which RestictKey and which uses VaultKey. (Added August 6th, 2009)
* Added explanation of where to find and set RestrictKey and VaultKey. (Added May 19th, 2010)
* Added an option to add a customer to the vault after a successful ProcessSingleTransaction. (Added April 21st, 2010)
* Added an option to resubmit a transaction. This requires the original TransactionID and an Amount. (Added April 21st, 2010)
* Added the Request errors for each function. (Added April 21st, 2010)
* Added the documentation for Partial Authorizations
* Added the Amount field to the SearchTransactions (Added January 5th, 2011)
* Added a secondary request to ProcessSingleTransaction.
         - CustomerAdd - Adds customer to the vault if the transaction as APPROVED.
         - CustomerUpdate - Updates a customer in the vault if the transaction is APPROVED.
* Added the ability to update the payment information only to a vault record.
         - PaymentType CC updates the credit card number and expiration only.
         - PaymentType EFT updates the account and routing number only.

Please note that this method does not take advantage of Verified By Visa, Secure MasterCard.

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